Fully text-searchable, the Purchase Area 1976 Phone Book CD has 385 scanned pages of the White Pages and Yellow Pages listings in the following communities:
Benton-Gilbertsville - Calvert City - Fairdealing-Hardin - Clinton - Columbus
Fulton-So. Fulton (including listings of Cayce, Dukedom, KY - Dukedom, Tenn - Hickman, Water Valley) - Mayfield - Graves County Section (Cunningham - Fanchy Farm - Farmington - Folsomdale - Lowes - Lynnville - Sedalia - West Plains - Wingo)
Murray - Aurora - West Kentucky: Hardin - Hazel - Kirksey - Lynn Grove - New Concord
South Hazel, Tenn - Paducah-Symsonia - Heath - Kevil
All pages are fully text-searchable by any keyword - first or last name, business name, phone number, address, or partial name. You may also use it as a regular phone book and do alphabetical lookups.
This phonebook CD will provide the following information:
·White Pages: Residential, Business & Government Listings
·Yellow Pages: Classified Ads
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